The legislative decree n. 626/94 analyses the injurious factors which pollute all the work environments and make the work activity unhealthy. In particular, the law dwells upon the risk factors to which workers are exposed in their offices, pointing out that closed environments are more polluted than the outer ones.
Here are the several polluting sources that are present in the offices:
The lack of control on these environmental conditions is shown by symptoms of general unease called “sick Building syndrome” (ill building syndrome) and with the following possible damages to the health: headache, sleepiness, breathing difficulties, nausea, dizziness, infections of respiratory tracts, sense of constriction of thoracic, breathing difficulty, allergies in general, irritating pathologies (tracheitis, bronchitis) of breathing apparatus, pain to eyes, sense dryness, burning and itching.
For all these important reasons the law 626 analyses clearly the risk factors to which employees are exposed because of pollution in the work environment (art. 9 of D.P.R. n. 303/56); so it urges to a total requalification of the air, inviting the companies to use the suitable purification systems.
OMNITEK with its air purification systems and with an absolute primacy for their technology and technical characteristics is able to guarantee a purification efficacy, proved and certified according to strict European laws EN 1822, which is over 99%.